Saturday, June 2, 2007

Animal Farm Entry of my choice

The surprise reverse

At the end of the Animal farm, the pigs became like humans, which were their worst enemy and whom they always hated and cursed.
All the commandments were broken except the seventh commandment, "All animals are equal," but now that has changed to, "Some animals are more equal than others."
Napoleon started smoking pipes, pigs traded with human neighbors, Napoleon wore Mr. Jones’s clothes and pigs played card game.
The pigs were no different than Man.
“And from pig to man, and man to pig again; but it was already impossible to say which was which.”

A F entry 2

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The beginning of Animal Farm was very memorable and it was peaceful. All the animals gathering and having a meeting gave me a slight different feeling than other books. Introduction of all the other animals in the farm was enjoyable and showed me the characteristics of the animals. Old major was a friendly character, which had an end of his life after the setting. He was a powerful character, because his words about his dream, made all the other animals to obey him, and his dream caused the rebellion to happen. He was lighter to the farm soaked with gasoline!

A F entry 3

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

“No animal must ever live in a house, or sleep in a bed, or wear clothes, or drink alcohol, or smoke tobacco or touch money, or engage in trade. All the habits of Man are evil. And above all, no animal must ever tyrannize over his own kind.”

Major said this quote in the book, and everything he said in this quote happened later on the story by the pigs. This quote somehow reverse foreshadows the ending of this book. Sometimes people say, “You are an animal!” to the ones who are cold blooded, cruel, selfish and inhuman. According to this quote, animals should be saying, “You are a human!” to animals who are cold blooded, cruel and selfish. In addition, this passage contains some of the bad habits and characteristics of human, and I think George Orwell is telling the readers not to get into them. Also he tells the readers how Man are sinners and evil.

A F entry 4

What is the mood of this novel, sadden you in anyways?

I think animal farm has its own distinct mood; it is not very sad nor comic. George Orwell has a writing style that is very simple, straightforward and honest; that makes the Animal Farm’s literacy atmosphere a bit cold. Also Napoleon’s cold and ruff communist attitude toward other animals made Animal farm more like Animal farm. It saddened me in some ways, because there wasn’t any moment with comedy nor laughter. A little sense of humor among animals and humans would have made the Animal Farm more amusing for readers.

A F Entry 5

What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of animal farm occurs in chapter five. Chapter 5 first starts with a problem with Molie, she kept on skipping her work duty and she ended up leaving the farm. On other hand, Napoleon and Snowball had many disagreements about constructing a windmill. Snowball wanted to construct a windmill for the farm’s electricity, and Napoleon says that the animals need to keep harvesting for winter. Napoleon and Snowball expressed and claimed their ideas by a speech, and Snowball has taken the mind of all animals by his astounding and heart touching speech. That was the time when Napoleon’s nine big frightful dogs barged into the farm and chased Snowball out of the farm. All the other animals were confused why Snowball was kicked out of the farm, but Squealer falsely told them that Snowball was a traitor and evil pig. Therefore, when Napoleon felt that he would be thrown out of leadership by Snowball, he blamed Snowball falsely to gain all the power and become a one-pig leader. From that time on Napoleon made a new rules; all decisions are made by pigs and meetings will only happen on ceremonial purposes.

A F Entry 6

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? what are they,
and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

One example would be Hitler, he made his own rules and he got rid of all the people he disfavored, and Napoloen kicked Snowball out of the farm because he was Napoleon's rival. Also, Just like Napoleon, Hitler at first, ran for the president, saying that he will make positive changes and make the country better, but he lied to the citizens and turned as a tyrant. He grew more powerful as he began to invade the countries near by, and he was eager to gain more power, and dreamed to be the ruler of the earth. One other similarity between Napoleon and Hitler is, they are both cruel and cold blooded, and they will do anything to gain power and achieve whatever they desire.
To stop these dictatorships, voters have to carefully nominate the runner, and the country has to give more power to the citizens.

A F Entry 7

who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

There are many characters in animal farm. Mr. Jones is the original owner of Animal farm and I dislike like Mr. Jones, because the book does not tell the readers specifically about Mr. Jones, but through out all the complains from the animals, readers can find out that Mr. Jones was not a good and caring farm man. At first, he was a responsible farmer, but after he started drinking, he became careless about the animals in the farm. “Kicked off his boots at the back door, drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery, and made his way up to bed.”
I do not like Mr. Jones, because he does not do his job and he is not diligent.

On other hand, Boxer is a very steady and positive character in the Animal Farm. The book describes him, “A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of first-rate intelligence, but he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work.” His motto in the book is, “I will try harder,” and “Napoleon is always right.” I like Boxer, because he is diligent and he is an exemplary animal for other animals in the Animal Farm. One thing I do not like about Boxer is that he does not fight against injustice. Even though he had physical strength and power to stop Napoleon from going crazy, he did not. I wish he had more courage to stand up against others.

A F Entry 8

What is a theme of Animal Farm, and why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The theme of animal farm tells the readers that the tyranny and selfishness will bring bad results. Like Napoleon, he started to rule the animal farm by being in charge of all the other animals, and he grew more selfishly as he started a rebellion against Mr. Jones. Napoleon wanted to become more powerful and famous, and he showed dictatorship by making commandments.
This theme teaches teenagers who are in a peer pressure of becoming popular in school. The bullies in the school; they take in control of classmates who are physically weaker than themselves for the poularity among many students. Those bullies will eventually get into troubles and they will deeply regret it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ender's Game Entry 8

^^Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? what are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

It is not very current, but right now in Geography class, I am learning about Russian history. Russia had a serial communism in the past. They had and favored socialism and command economy, which the government to owned and control everything, and people did not have any freedom and choices in their lives. This refers to the dystopian society in the Battle school, which kids did not have much choices and freedom. Especially Ender, he was controlled? played? by teachers (Bolded quotes). Also by Graff, he was separated from the other students and had been monitored. Ender later adapted to the school and started fitting in. Russia's communism still exists today, and I hope to see Russia become more and more better country for the people to live.

E G Entry 7

^^Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The first few pages of the beginning of the book were very confusing and frustrating.Because I just started reading this book and it talked about the monitors, the third and his brother being tested out impossible for something.
I honestly thought," Ah~,” I don't want to read this book," because it wasn't any interesting material to read, but later on I found out what they meant.
I hope the beginning would start from easier understanding of the future that characters live in.

E G Entry 6

^^Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"You have my admiration , Breacking an arm that was a master stroke"
"That was an accident"
"Really, and I 've already commended you in your official report"
"It's too strong, it makes that other little bastard into a hero ...
"Who would have thought the little sucker'd be out of his seat..."

This passage makes readers say, "Oh-oo."
This passage left me thinking that there are bad guys in school who wants to stop Ender from becoming a hero. But turned out, they were pushing, training and tricking Ender to make him a successful hero. This passagemade me to think more about the later parts of the book.

E G Entry 5

^^What is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

I really enjoyed whole part of the book.The mood of Ender's game is adventures and it contains a little bit of science fiction and fantasy. In my opinion, the book was a bit cold, because it was narrated by a 3rd person instead of main character talking. It would have been better if Ender had narrated the story. In addition, Ender's game took place in the future, and future's unfamiliar background gave a colder mood.

E G Entry 4

What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of the book was when Ender felt betrayed and used by adults. He played a game in front of many adults, which he thought was his final test in Command School but it was an actual battle of the third invasion of buggers.
This quote once again reminded me that the adults are evil. In the story, the adults use children, who are supposed to be playing outside with their friends, for their needs and desires.Also today, many kids still suffer from homework and evil teachers in school.

E G Entry 3

^^Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

There are many charcters in Enders game. Valentine, Peter Alai, Graff and others.

Graff: He is a teacher/captain of the battle school. He was the one who brought Ender to the school. He planned and made Ender to become the war hero in the battle against the buggers. His attitude toward Ender was cold and mean, but I like him because it was part of his job of making Ender a war hero.
Alia: He is leader of Ender's group and he develops deep and good relationship with Ender.Alai comes to appreciate Ender's many talents. In Salamander Army, Alai reveals his true friendship by whispering "Salaam." I like Alia because he was of the reasons that Ender could fit in with others.
Peter: Ender's older brother. He is cruel and he was much as hero as Ender, but he could not attend Battle school; instead he became a hero in Earth. I personally don't like him because I don't like his personality, how he is aggressive and brutal.
Valentine: She is second child, she favors peace and she is nice. She has role to protect Ender in the story. Ender loves Valentine. I personally like Valentine, because readers can sense that she is beautiful and kind girl by the descriptions of her in the book.

E G Entry 2

^^What is the major theme of Ender's game? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

I think the theme of this book is, violence carries another violence.
It is human nature to revenge and get even and feel great when someone gets pay back.

In the Enders Game, the buggers and humanity have fought for many times; so they hate each other. The war will continue, if one side isn't completely destroyed, but Ender was smart enough to decide to make a peaceful treaty with the buggers, giving them another place to live.

God said, "Forgive and love your enemy," this passage in the bible makes sense, because hating and cursing each other leads to no good ending. Almost all teenagers go to school and have many questions, conflicts and problems; violence is not a way to handle that. Like Ender at the beginning of the book, he almost killed Stillson,, and if he would have went back to school the day after, he could have got beaten by Stillson's other gangmembers. So people should forgive each other rather than to fight.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Entry of my choice 1

Entry of my choice, Why peter?

In Ender's game Peter is aggressive, cool, and angry character, but the name "Peter" doesn’t exactly match his personality in the novel. Generally when people think of the name "Peter," most of them will think of a character with nice, active and smart personality.(Cause of Peter Pan^-^) If I was Scott Orson, I would have named him Anthony or Mich, which represents more stronger and aggressive personality.