Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hotel Rwanda

Every movie includes a voice to deliver its message to the audience. I believe Hotel Rwanda definitely has a message, which is sent variously to each and many people. For me, Hotel Rwanda informed me of many historical and personal facts.
First, I got to acknowledged that there is actully a country named Rwanda in Africa. Secondly and unfortunately, I learned that there was a brutal genocide that occurred in Rwanda, because of ethnic and racial conflicts. (I thought genocides weren’t able to happen after WW2).
This movie spoke to me that we are responsible for knowing what is going on in other parts of our world, and not make the same mistakes we made in Rwanda again.
Hotel Rwanda’s intentional message is that genocides are still going around in parts of our world, that we don’t take seriously. Loss of myraid precious lives were reported, but the world had not taken strong and firm action in order to seize control of the chaos. It looked as if the situation was trivial and inconsequential. Why? Because the victims were Africans.
This movie tells us to be alert about what is happening in this world and look out for the trustworthy source, so we can do what we can to help that situation.

Hotel Rwanda had given many people a time of lamentation and introspection over those dead souls that we could have possibly saved.

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